Sunday 1 January 2012

2012, I Thought You'd Never Arrive!

Well finally it's here, 2012! It's either the end of the world or's not, there's quite a big difference between the two there. I'm thinking that it's not but living like it is!

So Far I've ticked one thing from my list of 'your ideas of fun'. I know it's not an amazing effort on my part but seriously, it's Christmas and that means chaos in my family. NO REALLY.

I've read Shel Silverstiens 'The Missing Piece Meets The Big O'. It wasn't what I expected at all so it was a nice surprise to see the very simple text and line drawings. The storyline follows the main character, The Missing piece, who tries to find where it fits/ where or who it belongs to. I loved how this little slice on the page acted as the perfect metaphor for life. It's not a long or complicated book, it just tells it like it is which is this- figure out how to be whole instead of being a missing piece.

To very close family members I have been known to call myself Hoprah, Yup that's right Oprah with a H, because I'm totally capable of dishing out the heart felt advice and therefore spreading hope (ps. this Hoprah thing is SO tongue in cheek it's painful that I have to spell it out). Given its content this little book would be in Hoprah's book club if such a person and book club actually existed. Let me know if you want in!

Thank you Nina.

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